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  • Faculty
  • Jill Zimmerman
  • Jill Zimmerman

    ProfessorComputer Science

    Jill Zimmerman is the James M. Beall Professor of Computer Science at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. She completed her doctorate in Computer Science in 1990 at the University of Minnesota, with specialization in computational theory and recursion theory. Since then, she has performed research in robotics and programming languages. She has taught almost every computer science course at Goucher College at one time or another which has allowed her to see the interconnectedness within the discipline. She thrives with change so computer science is definitely and ideal field of study.

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    Gil de Lamadrid and J. Zimmerman, Core FOBS: a Hybrid Functional and Object-Oriented Language”, Computer Languages Systems and Structures, Volume 38, Issue 3 (2012), pp214-241.

    J. Gil de Lamadrid and J. Zimmerman, "Avoidance of Obstacles with Unknown Trajectories: Locally Optimal Paths and Path Complexity, Part I"Robotica, Vol. 11, part 4 (1993) pp 299-308.

    Gil de Lamadrid and J. Zimmerman, "Avoidance of Obstacles with Unknown Trajectories: Locally Optimal Paths and Path Complexity, Part II" Robotica,  Vol. 11, part 5 (1993) pp403-412.

    External Awards, Honors, Grants

    $220,000 National Science Foundation Computer Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Scholarship Program. (2002-2005) 

    $43,550 National Science Foundation Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement Grant for development of a workstation laboratory to support undergraduate research in computer science.  (1991) 

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    Gil de Lamadrid, J. Zimmerman, " Functional-Object-Oriented Hybrid Programming with FOBS”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Real Practices,  WORLDCOMP, Las Vegas, NV ,July 2011.

    Gil de Lamadrid, J. Zimmerman, " IncH: Incremental Compilation for the Functional Language Hope”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Mathematics, Bilbao Spain, , July 2007.

    Gil de Lamadrid, J. Zimmerman, " IncH: An Incremental Compiler for a Function Language”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Programming Languages and Compilers,  WORLDCOMP, Las Vegas, NV ,June 2006.

    Gil de Lamadrid, J. Zimmerman, "The IncH Hope Compiler for the Java Virtual Machine", Proceedings of 12th International Workshop on the Implementation of Functional Languages, Aachen, September 2000